2017-02-13 14:01:06 UTC
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| Communicating Process Architectures (CPA) 2017 |
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| The 39th. WoTUG Conference on Concurrent and Parallel Systems |
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| Sunday (evening) 20th. - Wednesday (lunch) 23rd. August 2017 |
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| http://www.wotug.org/cpa2017/ |
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| Host institute: Department of Computer Science |
| University of Malta, Valletta, Malta |
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This is the Call for Papers for Communicating Process Architectures 2017,
the 39th WoTUG conference on concurrent and parallel programming. CPA 2017
will be held at the University of Malta and is hosted by the Department
of Computer Science. It starts on the evening of Sunday 20th. August and
finishes after lunch on Wednesday 23rd. August. Conference sessions will
take place at the Auditorium of the University of Malta, Valletta Campus.
Important dates
Paper submission: 5th. April 2017
Notification of acceptance: 1st. May 2017
Final revised CRC due: 5th. June 2017
Author registration: 12th. June 2017
Conference: 20th. (evening) -
23rd. (lunchtime) August 2017
Themes for CPA 2017
CPA is concerned with concurrency at all scales. It aims to bridge the
gap between the mathematical theory of concurrency and its practical
application to the design, implementation and validation of parallel
applications for embedded, multicore and distributed computing
systems. Areas of interest to the CPA community include, but are not
limited to:
- design and implementation of programming languages and environments
for concurrent systems;
- runtime environments for parallel and distributed applications;
- design patterns and implementation techniques for concurrent software;
- theoretical approaches to concurrency;
- formal specification of concurrent systems and formal languages
supporting these approaches, including the integration of existing
and novel formal notations;
- modelling and model-driven development of concurrent software
- verification and analysis of concurrent systems;
- model-checking techniques and tools for development and analysis;
- design and effective use of multicore / manycore processors and
massively parallel computer architectures;
- tools and languages for hardware-software co-design;
- hardware and software approaches to reconfigurable computing;
- the teaching of concurrency at high-school, university and
postgraduate level;
- concurrent applications within academia and industry, such as
complex systems simulation, robotic control and high-performance
network servers;
- reports on experience with concurrency in an industrial context.
Details of how to submit papers are here:
Please also see the calls for mini-workshop proposals and informal fringe
Accepted papers will be published in the CPA 2017 Proceedings by IOS Press
(in their Concurrent Systems Engineering Series). All submissions will be
refereed by an international panel of academic and industrial reviewers,
with extensive feedback given to authors. Authors retain copyright on
their papers, shared with the publishers. This means that authors have
the right to reuse any material from these papers in future publications
(e.g. in extended revisions for journals).
CPA runs in a single track over two and a half days, with space for
approximately 20 half-hour presentations. In addition, two evening Fringe
sessions provide a forum for presenting and discussing new ideas and/or
work in progress.
The conference registration fee (covering admission to all sessions,
one copy of the Proceedings, coffee/tea breaks, lunches and evening
meals, including the conference dinner) will be announced on the
registration page shortly. Delegates are responsible for booking their
own accommodation: a range of hotels will be listed on the location
page. A limited number of bursaries will be available to support students
attending the conference â please see the registration page details:
For more information on CPA 2017, please see the conference web site at
http://wotug.org/cpa2017 (from which sidebar links to all the sub-pages
mentioned above can be followed).
Thank you for reading this Call. If you have any questions about the
conference, please email us at:
or contact one of us directly (see below for the organising committee).
Finally, we would be grateful if you would forward this call to colleagues
who might like to know about CPA 2016 and might not otherwise discover it.
Many thanks and we look forward to seeing you in sunny Malta in August!
Dr. Kevin Vella
Head, Department of Computer Science, University of Malta, Malta
Dr.ir. Jan Broenink
Associate Professor of Embedded Control Systems,
University of Twente, the Netherlands
Dr. Kevin Chalmers
Senior Lecturer, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Dr. Jan BÊkgaard Pedersen
Associate Professor, University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA
Professor Brian Vinter
Head of HPC, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Professor Peter Welch
Emeritus Professor of Parallel Computing, University of Kent, UK
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| Communicating Process Architectures (CPA) 2017 |
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| The 39th. WoTUG Conference on Concurrent and Parallel Systems |
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| Sunday (evening) 20th. - Wednesday (lunch) 23rd. August 2017 |
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| http://www.wotug.org/cpa2017/ |
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| Host institute: Department of Computer Science |
| University of Malta, Valletta, Malta |
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This is the Call for Papers for Communicating Process Architectures 2017,
the 39th WoTUG conference on concurrent and parallel programming. CPA 2017
will be held at the University of Malta and is hosted by the Department
of Computer Science. It starts on the evening of Sunday 20th. August and
finishes after lunch on Wednesday 23rd. August. Conference sessions will
take place at the Auditorium of the University of Malta, Valletta Campus.
Important dates
Paper submission: 5th. April 2017
Notification of acceptance: 1st. May 2017
Final revised CRC due: 5th. June 2017
Author registration: 12th. June 2017
Conference: 20th. (evening) -
23rd. (lunchtime) August 2017
Themes for CPA 2017
CPA is concerned with concurrency at all scales. It aims to bridge the
gap between the mathematical theory of concurrency and its practical
application to the design, implementation and validation of parallel
applications for embedded, multicore and distributed computing
systems. Areas of interest to the CPA community include, but are not
limited to:
- design and implementation of programming languages and environments
for concurrent systems;
- runtime environments for parallel and distributed applications;
- design patterns and implementation techniques for concurrent software;
- theoretical approaches to concurrency;
- formal specification of concurrent systems and formal languages
supporting these approaches, including the integration of existing
and novel formal notations;
- modelling and model-driven development of concurrent software
- verification and analysis of concurrent systems;
- model-checking techniques and tools for development and analysis;
- design and effective use of multicore / manycore processors and
massively parallel computer architectures;
- tools and languages for hardware-software co-design;
- hardware and software approaches to reconfigurable computing;
- the teaching of concurrency at high-school, university and
postgraduate level;
- concurrent applications within academia and industry, such as
complex systems simulation, robotic control and high-performance
network servers;
- reports on experience with concurrency in an industrial context.
Details of how to submit papers are here:
Please also see the calls for mini-workshop proposals and informal fringe
Accepted papers will be published in the CPA 2017 Proceedings by IOS Press
(in their Concurrent Systems Engineering Series). All submissions will be
refereed by an international panel of academic and industrial reviewers,
with extensive feedback given to authors. Authors retain copyright on
their papers, shared with the publishers. This means that authors have
the right to reuse any material from these papers in future publications
(e.g. in extended revisions for journals).
CPA runs in a single track over two and a half days, with space for
approximately 20 half-hour presentations. In addition, two evening Fringe
sessions provide a forum for presenting and discussing new ideas and/or
work in progress.
The conference registration fee (covering admission to all sessions,
one copy of the Proceedings, coffee/tea breaks, lunches and evening
meals, including the conference dinner) will be announced on the
registration page shortly. Delegates are responsible for booking their
own accommodation: a range of hotels will be listed on the location
page. A limited number of bursaries will be available to support students
attending the conference â please see the registration page details:
For more information on CPA 2017, please see the conference web site at
http://wotug.org/cpa2017 (from which sidebar links to all the sub-pages
mentioned above can be followed).
Thank you for reading this Call. If you have any questions about the
conference, please email us at:
or contact one of us directly (see below for the organising committee).
Finally, we would be grateful if you would forward this call to colleagues
who might like to know about CPA 2016 and might not otherwise discover it.
Many thanks and we look forward to seeing you in sunny Malta in August!
Dr. Kevin Vella
Head, Department of Computer Science, University of Malta, Malta
Dr.ir. Jan Broenink
Associate Professor of Embedded Control Systems,
University of Twente, the Netherlands
Dr. Kevin Chalmers
Senior Lecturer, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
Dr. Jan BÊkgaard Pedersen
Associate Professor, University of Nevada Las Vegas, USA
Professor Brian Vinter
Head of HPC, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Professor Peter Welch
Emeritus Professor of Parallel Computing, University of Kent, UK